One Second at a time
November 10 – One Second At A Time

4:314 – One Second at a Time

#faithbites #faithjourney second


They say that we need to take one day at a time. But what happens when one day at a time is too much? Then do an hour or a minute or a second. It’s baby steps. I’m realizing that I can’t do everything, can’t be everything to everyone, and can’t solve the world’s problems today. It’s a matter of breathing, listening to God, and taking it one second at a time.

Today’s questions: What do you do to slow the world down? How can you focus and be in the minute (or the second) rather than worrying too much about the future?


Matthew 6:34 – Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


Very short #faithbites today. Why? Because we don’t need to worry about all the deep meanings and lose focus. Today is about focusing on the second and knowing God tells us not to worry about tomorrow. You are a loved, blessed, child of God. Use His love as your focus point. Count what He has given you. Don’t worry about tomorrow or even the next hour. Be still and love the Lord


Lord Jesus, help us stay in the moment. Help us breathe and know that you love us. Remind us that we don’t have to worry about tomorrow or the one million things on our todo list. You have made plans for us and that is all we need to know. Let us focus on that and focus on serving you. In your name, we pray, Amen.

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