4:249 – God Knows!
#faithbites #faithjourney knows
Have you ever tried to tell someone something and the words don’t come? Maybe you sat to pray and all you had were tears and a heavy heart. I have had all of these experiences. At night, I tried to have very descriptive and organized prayers. Lately, I have found that I’m out of words. My heart is heavy as I have so many people I want to pray for but just can’t think of the words. Sometimes I even feel bad afterward that I forgot to mention someone. Then today, I saw this picture. God knows what I’m feeling and what I want to pray for. If I’m in prayer and the words don’t come, he knows how I’m feeling. He answers spoken and unspoken prayers. OUr God is great that way.
Today’s Questions: How do you determine what you pray for? What happens when you can’t articulate or you just don’t have words? How do you feel?
- Matthew 6:8 – Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
- Romans 8:26 – In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
God wants us to pray continuously (1 Thessalonians 5:17). He isn’t seeking perfection in our prayers as he already knows what we need before we ask him. The act of coming to him is what is important, not our words. God gave us the Holy Spirit to help in these cases. Even if it’s tears of joy or happiness, a heavy heart, or a bowed head, when we come to him, he knows us, loves us, and answers our prayers.
For me, this takes some of the pressure off. IF I forget to pray for someone in words, God knows. If I mess something up in prayer, it’s ok, he is there to greet me, comfort me, and answer my prayers. This is part of his steadfast, neverending love.
As we close, it’s ok to just go to God with emotion and no words. Tears are fine by him. Give yourself grace as he does. There is no perfect prayer but we have a perfect God who knows, loves, understands, and answers. This is one of his many gifts to us.
Father God, thank you for loving us, knowing us, and accepting us. Thank you for your Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord, we may not have the right words or the complete words to pray but you know what we need and will make it happen. We thank you for your love and pray for peace and comfort. Amen.
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