July 2 – Miles Away But Never Separated

4:183 – Miles Away But Never Separated

#faithbites #faithjourney miles


You may not know this by my personality but it is very difficult for me to make friends. I don’t mean acquaintances or people I can talk to but true friends. People I would call no matter what and they would be there for me. Two of my four closest friends are moving away. This is giving me anxiety, fear, and worry. I know we will stay in contact and though they may be miles away we won’t be separated. The relationship will change but it won’t end

We can’t see God but we see his works. We may feel miles away away from him and not part of his family, but he promised he will never leave us. I searched for the verse of the day, and God never disappoints. Today’s scripture is a reminder of his steadfast, neverending love.

Today’s Questions: How do you cope when your loved ones are miles away? When you feel separated from God what is the first thing you do?

  • Romans 8:39 – No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
  • Psalm 136:26 – Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.

It is hard to have miles separsting us from one another. During COVID-19, some were separated by a piece of glass, but felt miles away. Sometimes we can’t help but be apart. Loves take us in different directions. While we may be apart from our friends, they still love us.

God tells us that NOTHING, can separate us from him. No demons, angels, anything in all creation, can separate us. Guess what is included in all crestion? You. That means that nothing you do or say can separate you from Gods love. God lives and Jesus forgives us. You are a blessed, loved, and wanted child of God.

As we close, remember those that tteily love you will never be far away. God is always there and will love you from now until the end of time.


Lord God, thank you for never leaving us and always being with us. Sometimes we don’t feel your love and presence. Sometimes we are miles from you and Mike’s from our support system. We pray that you increase your presence in our lives. Help us to feel you always

Lotd, help us when we feel separated from our friends. We know that when we meet again it will be as if no time passed. Help us to nurture these changing relationships and be close to our friends in spirit even if we are far apart. In your name, Amen.

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