Small Acts. Big Love.
May 16 – Small Stuff Is Important
4:136 – Small Stuff Is Important

#faithbites #faithjourney small


Some say don’t sweat the small stuff as it’s not important. Many say focus on the big goals and the rest will take care of itself. Today, I was thinking about how important the small stuff can be. Here are a couple of examples.

This morning my youngest woke me up to play LOL dolls with her. I could have said no and just slept a little more. Or when she wanted to go to the dog border to pick up our dog. Both of these are extremely small but meaningful for her.

Yesterday, we got to visit my mum for the first time in a year. Her computer wasn’t working. It’s a small thing for us to see it doesn’t work but it’s a huge thing for her that we spent the time to get it working.

Last night, I sent a text to a friend who just had a baby to check on her. She then sent me pictures of her baby. Again, small thing, but totally brightened my day.

In life, it is the small acts of kindness, love, and appreciation that matter. They add up to a lifetime of memories and build relationships. This is what’s important. In our faith, we have many ways to worship God and follow his word. But it breaks down to two small actions over and over: love God, love people!

  • Matthew 13:32 – It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”
  • Galatians 5:9 – A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

Tonight’s scriptures are simple metaphors that make a big impact. (See what I did there). First, we have the mustard seed. A small tiny seed grows into a plant so large the birds can make an impact. Or in Galatians, we see a little leaven leavens the whole lump. I had to look into that. It means, that just a little bit of yeast will make the whole loaf rise.

Our faith, or small acts, is like yeast for those around us. We will never know the impact that we have, but that small act of kindness and love can transform their lives. I struggle with this often as I have so much to do. Even tonight, I wanted to write this #faithbites and my daughter needed help with her homework. And yes, I helped her. I was frustrated as she should have done it before, but I helped.

As we close, remember, nothing kind is ever too small. Something that may seem like a bit of an inconvenience to you, can be a Godsend to someone else. Let God work through you. Let your faith move mountains.


Lord Jesus, this has been a heavy weekend for many. We can get caught up in the daily grind and the large number of things that we are working on. Tonight, we pray for quiet. Help us to see that the little acts of kindness, love, and attention are what matters. While the big successes are important to celebrate, all of the small moments are what made them happen. Help us to focus on the two main commandments: Love You and Love Other. Give us the patience, kindness, and knowledge on how to do this. Help us to get the affirmation we need that these are what is important even if the world doesn’t think they are. Remind us that many of the things that we think are important are not. That the love we show for one another is what is important. We pray all of this in your mighty name, Amen.

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