May 15 – Circle of Life
4:135 – Circle of Life

#faithbites #faithjourney circle


Life. Death. Birth. Growth. Exploration. Forgiveness. Life. Death. Birth. This is the circle of life. I’m so blessed to have so many wonderful people on my life who share my life and their lives. As we talked about yesterday, I’m still in a bittersweet mood. So many things going on but I know God has a plan for it.

And yes, I know I’ve written about the Circle of Life before. And yes, I bet the song is going through your head. Or the funny version: Pink Pajamas,.penguins on the bottom. Sing that during the song. Ha.

And there we go. Laughter, life, death, forgivness. All wrapped together. This is God’s way. He told us this would happen, it’s how we move through the circle.

Today’s Questions: How do you feel when the circle of life attacks you all at once? How does your faith, help you cope?

  • Ecclesiastes 1:3-5 (God’s Word’s Translation) – What do people gain from all their hard work under the sun?4 Generations come, and generations go,but the earth lasts forever. 5 The sun rises, and the sun sets, and then it rushes back to the place where it will rise ⌞again⌟.
  • Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Life has it’s ups and downs. We know God is greater than all of that. He loves us and will help us no matter what trials and tribulations hit us. We also know that God rewords those who love him and work for him.

When life hits you all at once, we have hope in Christ. We have a savior who will pick us up, dust us off, show us the way, and make sure we get there. All we have to do is accept his help and know that he won’t let us fail.

As we close, remember there will be times when the circle of life happens all at once and you are overwhelmed. You can’t stop that. What you can do, is trust in our savior that he will guide you, protect you, and love you through it all.


Lord God, I have so many emotions and thoughts on my heart. I know I’m not alone. Your people are experiencing the highs and lows at the same time. Be with those who are celebrating highs, those mourning the lows, and those who have it all at once. We know you will provide. We pray for your healing comforting touch on our minds and hearts everyday. Amen.

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