God's Word. Hear It Again
May 9 – Hear It Again, For The First Time.
4:129 – Hear it Again, For The First Time

#faithbites #faithjourney hear


God works in mysterious ways. Today while waiting for groceries, I heard a version of Mr. Jones by the Counting Crows that I had never heard before. This version was more soulful, more moving, and very different. The lyrics were mostly the same but the changes and phrasing of them made it very different for me. I love both versions and now they will help me in different times with different feelings. Let’s see if you can tell the difference.

Original Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oqAU5VxFWs

New Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7e1iuxr_Zc

What does any of this have to do with faith? If you are like me, you’ve read the same passage over and over again. Does it seem the same or is God pulling something different out for you? We can read a Psalm over and over and depending on what we are going through, it stirs something different.

Today’s Questions: What do you hear when you read the Bible? Do you have a favorite passage the moves you differently depending on how you are feeling?

  • John 17:17 – Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.
  • Psalm 25:25 – Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.
  • Psalm 119:120 – The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.


Let’s be clear. God’s word never changes. His word, just like Him, is eternal. What may change is what it stirs up in us. He may point you to a scripture that you’ve read before but this time it feels different. We know his word is truth and reading it helps to sanctify us in it.

As the Counting Crows say in Round Here, “Well, I walk in the air between the rain through myself and back again. Where? I don’t know”. Don’t’ worry about the destination of your #faithjourney, let God take you where he wants.

My prayer is that you are open to what God is stirring in you. The words on the page are the same, but maybe, just maybe, he is leading you to a new truth and a deeper understanding.

As we close, remember, his Word is meant to lead us, guide us, and stir us to the truth. We need to have open ears to hear it, and open hearts to understand it.


Father God, we love you so much. We thank you for opening us to your word. Thank you for reminding us that while your word never changes, we change, and the message we need from you changes. Let us be open to you and how you want us to understand and interact with your Word daily. We pray this in your name, Amen.

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