Apr 20 – Pain
3:111 – Pain

#faithbites #faithjourney pain

What is Pain? Dictionary.Com has several definitions: 1)physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc. 2) a distressing sensation in a particular part of the body, 3)mental or emotional suffering or torment.

We all have pain. Right now my anxiety is causing me pain(#3) and my back is killing me (#1 and #2). Some see at that which doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. When I look back at pain, I can see that, but while your living in/with/through pain, it’s a different story.

What does our Faith tell us about pain?

  • Romans 8:18 – For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
  • Psalm 69:29 – But as for me, afflicted and in pain— may your salvation, God, protect me.

Let’s face it, being in pain sucks. No one likes it. And we all have different pain and suffer differently. We know that even Jesus experienced pain. None of us are immune.

While we are going through it, we can remember one thing. The pain will end. Jesus is on our side. No matter how much suffering we go through the Glory of what awaits is that much greater.

I’m a bit down but not out. Many of you are in the same boat. Have faith! Rest in the Lord’s promises.


God gave us relationships to divide burdens and multiple successes. Lean on a friend to help you through the pain.


Father God, your people are suffering. Help us all heal and feel your presence. It doesn’t matter if it is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. It all hurts. You have promised to wipe away every year. We ask you for your healing power and guidance. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

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