Feb 12 – Am I Reading You Right?
3:43 – Am I Reading You Right?

#faithbites #faithjourney reading

In the past two days, I had two interactions with two different people. In each one, I thought my behavior was inappropriate and I was doing something wrong. In at least one, haven’t heard from the other one yet, they said I was wrong in my interpretation. A friend told me, my brain is lying to me.

While this is a symptom of my anxiety, how many times do we wonder if we are reading someone the right way? Did our behavior come off the way we wanted it too? Did they read too much into it or are we reading too much into it? The only way to know for sure is to ask. You may be right or your brain may be lying to you.

  • Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. – James 5:16
  • So I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man – Act 24:16

Tonight’s reflection is pretty simple. Be open and honest with each other. If you aren’t sure if you are reading someone right, ask them. If you have been offended or take something one way, ask for clarification. It’s possible that the person didn’t mean it that way.

Let’s use these occasions to have a clear conscious towards one another. We can grow as a body of Christ and as individuals.

I may not get a response from one of them, but I know my brain does funky things. At least I know that I have attempted to clear the air when it may not have needed it and if it did it’s clear. Let us all do that.


Do you ever wonder if someone is getting what you’re saying? Maybe you might be interpreting what they think I’m a wrong way. Take a minute to ask. You can make sure the air is clear and you can build better connections.


Lord, you have made us complex beings capable of many emotions and responses. Sometimes we don’t always communicate effectively. Even when we do, our brains can play tricks on us. Help us to see and seek the truth. Let us be honest and forthright with each other. Let us know how someone is interpreting what we have said or done rather than wonder about it. We pray for your guidance and give you thanks. Amen

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