2:278 – Big Service, Tiny Gestures
#faithbites #faithjourney #redletterchallenge Gestures
As we finish our the week of service in the red letter challenge, it’s easy to think we have to do amazing things to make a difference. Little things can change lives.
Here are three small gestures that have a big impact on my day. I asked a friend to watch the kids for a couple of hours, so my wife and I could have a dinner out. She offered to take them overnight. The a friend knew I’ve been going through a rough patch and sent me a couple of worship songs to check out. Lastly, a friend had a good talk recommending alternative treatment for my back and pain issues.
All of these are small gestures, but have had a high impact. We never know how God will work in us and through us. We just have to be ready to offer and serve.
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2
We aren’t made to do this alone. In fact, God created many relationships for us to benefit and serve. When we help others, we are bearing and dividin5their burdens. It doesnt say we have to do giant things to change a life. Just small acts.
I once heard an analogy about changing someone’s life just one degree. It may not seem like much, but over a lifetime, huge changes. Imagine a spaceship off course by one degree? Who knows where it would end.
I am blessed by these small acts of m ok kindness. God has a plan and is using his people o move mo mountains
What is your one small gesture for today? Share it here. Do one small thing to let someone know you care and are here to help
Lord, thank you for your awesomeness. You put people into our lives who help course correct. It may be a small thing but that gesture has a large impact. Help us to all serve better. Remind us that it doesnt have to be big, to radically alter someone’s life. Thank you Jesus. Amen.
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