September 6 – Tiana’s Dad
2:249 – Tiana’s Dad
#faithbites #faithjourney Tiana’s

We are big Disney fans in our house. We love “The Princess Frog” or as everyone says Tiana’s movie. Great music, a great independent woman, and a great villian.

In the movie we see Tiana’s Dad twice. Once when she is little and he is hardworking, poor, loving, and never lets anything get to him. Later on, we see him in a vision that the Shadow Man gives to Tiana to try to get her to take the easy way out. In this vision, when she isn’t around, he shows how tired and broken he is, but he will never let his daughter see it.

This is how many of us parents and people in general live. We give all of our time, energy, and effort for those around us. It doesn’t matter if we are broken, tired, in pain, or exhausted. We are their superheros.

God knows our true face. He knows we are tired. We can’t hide from him, and that’s good.

  • You keep track of all my sorrows.
    You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
    You have recorded each one in your book.Psalm 56:8
  • I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.John 16:23

None of us is without pain. God knows our hurts, our sorrows, our pains. He als knows our good deeds and efforts to be Christ-Like. While we may never be recognized on Earth for doing this things, he knows. He will give us peace as Jesus has overcome the world.

That doesn’t mean we will be without pan, trouble, and heartache. Quite the opposite, we will have all those things. But through Him, we are savd. By him all tears will be wiped away (Revelation 21:4)

So yes, Tiana’s Dad worked his fingers to the Bone. He didn’t have much but shared his love with his family and friends. Through Christ, we can have the same strength.


Don’t get to hide your hurts, sorrows, and pains. God knows them and loves you. He will give you strength. Recognize your limitations and share the with your loved ones. They will be stronger people for knowing what the truth is.


Lord, we try to be superheros. We keep going even when our tanks are empty and we are hurting. Heal our wounds, give us strength to keep going forward, and help us open up to those around us. To show that we are strong and human. In your name, Amen.

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