2:30 – Someone Else Needs Help More than Me
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A few days ago we talked about someone’s day
The more I thought about it, the more I’m coming to realize that we are all in this together. There isn’t a net sum of zero. It’s like with giving gifts. When we tell someone they shouldn’t have or you can’t afford that. We need to think that they wouldn’t have if they didn’t want to or if they couldn’t have. When we should them off or turn away their offer, we are shutting down their giving. In fact, many times this is how God answers our prayers: through those around us. If we tell them no, are we telling God no?
- The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” – Genesis 2:18
- Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. – John 16:24
- Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. – Matthew 7:7
During creation, God made Eve as a helper to Adam so he wouldn’t be alone. We are made to be in each other’s lives to help. In John we see that if we ask and receive, our joy will be complete. Then in Matthew, we see that we just need to ask and it will be given to us.
None of these passages say that we should only receive if we are worthy enough. None of them say that we should second guess God’s will and the offerings of our friends. If someone offers, we should say Thank You.
Don’t get me wrong, this is hard. It’s hard to accept the help. It’s hard to think if I am getting this, is someone else not getting that. But that is Satan talking. Mankind divides, God multiples. We need to accept, be thankful, and faithful in all things.
I will do my best to accept the help that is offered without second guessing intention or worth.
Do you sometimes wonder if someone really wants to help you or if they are just saying it? Do you question if you are “worthy” enough to have their help and service? The answer is yes. Take time to pray for what you need, and when God gives it, accept it. Remember, God doesn’t come down from the sky and hand you want you asked for, he brings people into your life to help you along the way.
Gracious God. Help us to thankfully receive all the gifts you have promised us. Let us know that the people who give of their time and energy are doing so at your behest, that they are your answers to prayer. Remind us, that you help all your children and we don’t need to be self-conscious about accepting this help. In your heavenly name, Amen
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