335 – Mommy, I Pooped! Time for a Celebration
#faithbites #faithjourney celebration
Most of us take care of our business in the bathroom in a private manner. It isn’t polite to talk about what happens behind closed doors. But when you are four and have had many issues with your GI system, pooping in the potty is cause for a celebration.
I have one friend when she was writing her dissertation, would treat herself with a few M&Ms for every paragraph or page written. I reward myself with an hour or two of video games after a long writing session. Heck, a nice cup of coffee is time for a reward and celebration after a hard dad.
Too often in life, we don’t celebrate the little things. We just plow on, task after task, and only celebrate after the whole thing is done. While that is a reason to celebrate, taking little moments to reflect, recharge, and celebrate, can improve our performance, attitude, and stamina.
- Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Life is too short to not celebrate everything we do. If we believe everything is from God, then if we don’t celebrate little victories, we aren’t giving him the Glory. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying go on a cruise for every little thing, but enjoy what God has given you. Give him praise for the strength, determination, skill, and perseverance, he gave you.
In a time not too far in the future, my little one will stop celebrating her poops. It will just be a normal, easy, everyday task. That’s great as it shows progress. Right now though, if she wants to jump up and down and scream that she pooped, more power to her.
Likewise, when you go about your day, not all the tasks we do are normal and not all are easy. But nonetheless, remember, that God gives you the strength, power, and skill to get them all accomplished. A little celebration in his name is never a bad thing.
Do you make time to celebrate? Maybe it’s time for a little celebration after a long day or a tough task. Remember when you have your celebration give thanks to God and enjoy yourself.
Lord, let me celebrate all the wonderful things that I have accomplished through your name. Remind me that I don’t have to compare my accomplishments to others. Give me the strength to remember that my accomplishments are valid, good, and worthy.
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