July 24 – Moving to a New Place
July 24 – Moving To A New Place

#FaithBites #FaithJourney Moving

Let’s move to the San Francisco Bay Area. Ok, well, we’re not moving but many said we should after the wedding last weekend. Not only that, but I had a dream about moving. The idea of moving to a new place is both exciting and terrifying.

Meeting new people. Being surrounded by friends and family you haven’t seen in a long time. New adventures and new possibilities around every corner. At the same time, there is the loss of familiarity, missing friends and family, losing connections with your spiritual family and work.  So many feelings about moving.

But would you feel better if you knew a place was already prepared for you?

Scripture on Moving
  • And he said, “Come in, blessed of the LORD! Why do you stand outside since I have prepared the house, and a place for the camels?” – Genesis 24:31
  • Behold, I am going to send an angel before you to guard you along the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. – Exodus 23:30
  • “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. – John 14:2

All of the verses above and many more, speak of a place being prepared for us. We don’t need to fear as that place is ready. What is even more interesting is when we think of heaven, we think of seeing those who have gone in before us. It’s just like moving, we see those family and friends in that new place who may have gone before us. But this place, isn’t one to fear but one that is beautiful, wonderous, and made for us.

So often, we say we aren’t worthy of being saved. We have fears about every day Life from moving to work to just about everything. But what if we didn’t have to worry? We have seen here that at least our next place is ready for us. No moving plans, no leaving friends and family, but seeing our Lord and our friends and family. This is a place I excited to move to when the time is right.


Think about where you live and where you would move to? Is it a place that is prepared for you? Can you take a few minutes to thank God for the place he has prepared for you?

I am willing to thank him daily with his help.



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