#79of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney
Today’s lesson is on the power of one. That one person can really make a difference.
Yesterday was the primary election in Illinois. For the first time in McLean County, the Libertarian Party had ballot access and a primary contest. I ran for precinct committeeman to help the party out. I went to my polling place with my daughter first thing in the morning, pulled a Libertarian Party ballot, and voted. One of the people I voted for was myself. When the results came in, I found out I was elected as precinct committeeman with 1 vote, my vote. So if someone comes along and says “Who voted you into office”, I can honestly say I did. While this is a bit of a silly story, it shows how in voting the power of one vote can change things. We have seen elections decided in one vote. We have seen national policy changed by the tie vote breaking by the Vice President. We, including myself, often think, we can’t change the world. I am just one man or I am just one woman. I can’t make a change. Guess what? Jesus did and so can you.
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.” – Psalm 139:13-15 (ESV)
“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” – Colossians 1:27
“Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” – John 1:3
God made us in his image. He knitted us together to be Christ-like. I read an article “How One Person Can Help Change the World” It talks about how Christianity spread from 12 people to millions and millions. It shows how we all help one person and they help one person and they help one person and how math works. It’s slow going but Christianity spread across the globe very quickly relatively. In a 2015 poll, NPR reported that 2.2 billion people or 31% of the world’s population followed Christ. That’s amazing. That is one person changing the world. Yes, some people claim to be Christians and aren’t. Many have taken his name to do acts of evil. But think of this. One person (both fully man and fully God), 2000+ years ago changed the world landscape. Even if you are not a believer, you can he how drastically the world has changed because of Jesus. I know my life has been radically altered based on one man. I am right with the Lord. I have more friends. I have more relationships. I feel more connected.
Now Christ doesn’t expect us to be Christ. God gives us Christ-like powers to influence people’s lives. Yes, I am now a precinct committeeman who was elected by one person (myself) and I can help bring the message of the party to my district. But if 2.3 Billion followers of Christ, followed his teachings on a daily basis, imagine what our world would be like? Love God. Love People
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