February 21 – What can I offer?

Today’s lesson is about What can I offer or WHAT can I offer? We all have gifts, traits, and abilities. We don’t always share them or know how to share them with others. The idea for this lesson came from the Black Panther’s mid-credit scene. This is a slight spoiler but nothing major. During the scene, the King of Wakanda says they are going to share with the world. An unnamed person said what does a third world country have to offer the rest of the world. We know that Wakanda is far superior in technology than most of the world and mineral rich, but the other people don’t know that.

This got me thinking: What can I offer to others. Rather than the condescending tone of what can I do to help.  We all have really strong powerful gifts that can be used. I can share stories, I can make people feel at ease, I can be of comfort, and I have technology skills to help (amongst others). But do people know I have those skills? It isn’t up to others to know my skills, it is up to me to share them in my actions and interactions. If I don’t, then I am depriving them of my skills. I am depriving others of gifts God gave me. I may not even know what I’m good at but I should try. I should ask others what they think my skills are. (A note on this, asking for input is great. But you don’t always have to take it to heart).

“All who are skilled among you are to come and make everything the Lord has commanded:” – Exodus 35:10

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” – 1 Peter 4:10-12

The Exodus verse continues to outline everything that is needed to build the tabernacle. So many different jobs that need to be done. But not everyone can do all of them. No one can do all of them. Not everyone is skilled in it. But everyone who is skilled can find something to do. So is it in life. We have skills and should find a way to use them. The 1 Peter verse illustrates that and we should serve with the strength of God. The Holy Spirit flows in us. This doesn’t mean we are the best in our skills. It doesn’t mean that we can do anything and everything. It also doesn’t mean we can’t learn new things. It means we should show others what we can do and by Grace do it to the best of our abilities.

Are you willing to share yourself and your skills? Are you willing to help out others? Can you take your skills to better someone else’s life?

I am and I try.

#52of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney

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