July 18 – Sipping The Poison Of Unforgiveness.
2:199 Sipping The Poison Of Unforgiveness

#faithbites #faithjourney Poison

In this blog we talk a lot about forgiveness. It’s a main pillar in our house. I mess up all the time. I forgive often and ask for forgiveness more times than I can count.

There are times when we hold grudges. It could be for a minute, a day, a month, or a lifetime. We feel strong by not forgiving someone for hurting or wronging us. The problem is, in many cases they have forgotten about the slight, but we are still dealing and hurting from it. On Known Legacy, the used the analogy of sipping poison.

Every time we don’t forgive, we take a little sip of poison. We hurt ourselves when we think we are hurting them. That drop of poison may not seem like much but over the years it can build and destroy you.

Do you truly forgive or are you sipping poison?

  • For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.Matthew 6:14-15
  • Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone – Colossians 3:13

The forgiveness of sins is why we can be reconnected with God. We have this gift due to Christ’s sacrifice. Our human forgiveness pales in comparison to his.

It’s hard to forgive others. In many cases, it’s hard to forgive ourselves for hurt we have caused to ourselves or others.

Jesus says “You are forgiven”. It’s not a partial forgiveness. It doesn’t mean we have to keep living that sin. Think of a scar. At first it is painful, over time, it can be a symbol of how you have moved on and conquered an obstacle.

Put down the vial of poison and wall away. You are forgiven.


Are you holding a grudge? Has someone wronged you and you refuse to forgive them? They aren’t being hurt any longer but you are. Take that pain to Jesus and stop reinjuring yourself.


Lord, we have all been wronged. We have all been hurt. We know we can’t forgive others without your help. Give us the strength to put the bottle of poison down. Let us forgive as you forgave us. Thank you for your sacrifice and forgiveness. In your name, Amen.

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