Dec 22 – Believe Like A Child
2:356 – Believe Like A Child

#faithbites #faithjourney believe #Santa #StarWars

Aliens from other planets. The power of the force. Superheros saving the world. Santa Claus gifting presents to billions in one night.

These are all things children believe in. They get lost in the epic fantasy, adventures, and mystery. As we get older, many of stop believing in Santa, stop immersing ourselves in fantasy, and stop seeing the miracles of believing.

Faith is the same way. As children, we believe in the magic and power of Jesus. Many, as we grow older, stop seeing the magical power of Christ and faith. Imagine what we could do in our faith through Christ, if we believed like a child.

  • And said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. – Matthew 18:3
  • Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation – 1 Peter 2:2

Being an adult has perks for sure. We do what we please and no one tell us what to do. Even though we wish they would. But, while we have so much freedom, many forget the magic of Christmas, the power of Jesus, and the forgiveness of Christ.

This is a powerful belief. We know that unlike scifi, Christ is real. His salvation will help us today and everyday until the end of the age.

Believe in Christ as a child. Enjoy those gifts he brings: salvation, forgiveness, everlasting life.


Think about Christmases or special times as a child. How did you feel? Remember that belief and how it felt. Now apply that to Jesus. You can have that feeling everyday.


Lord, thank you for your everlasting grace. Sometimes we go about our day and forget the power and strength of belief. We get wrapped up in our day to day and see faith as something we do, but not believe like a child. Remind us, the power of your gift of Jesus. Let us celebrate him until forever.

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