High Five, You Got This.
Nov 15 – You’ve Got This!
2:319 – You’ve Got This!

#faithbites #faithjourney got

WhenI worked at State Farm, we had food days all the time. My wife asked me why we were having another food day. One time she said, somebody breathed…let’s have a food day. It’s all about celebrating the little things. This week, I managed to make it into the office all five days. Some think that’s no big deal, but for me and my pain, it was amazing. I got this. No one can stop me now.

The truth of the matter is, it’s not me making it through. It’s the Holy Spirit power pushing me through. As they say, if God is on our side, who can stand against us. Just remember, You’ve Got This!

  • But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. – 2 Chronicles 15:7
  • So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. – Isaiah 41:10
  • Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. – Galatians 6:9

Strong. Rewarded. Not Disymayted. Strengthen. Help. Uphold. Not Become Weary. Reap a Harvest. These are all terms that God gives to us to tell us “You’ve got this”. He is with us always until the end of the age.

No matter the crap that’s rolling downhill. No matter the bumps or bruises, we got this.

So yeah, I’m going to celebrate making it into the office 5 days straight. It’s a big thing. You got out of bed after a major disappointment or tragedy? Celebrate. Because it’s not the end that matters, it’s making every day count. They say you only live once. They are wrong: You only die once, you live every day.


Celebrate your baby steps. No matter how small. Take a high five. Dance in your living room. Know that you are on the right track.


Father God, thank you for the awesome life you have provided us. It’s not perfect and that’s ok. We use the downs to appreciate the ups. You may not give us everything we want, but you give us everything we need. Help us to remember that with you on our side, we can’t fail. That no matter how hard life gets, because of Jesus we Got this! Thank you so much. In your heavenly name, Amen.

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