July 28 – The Storms May Slow You Down But….
2:209 – The Storms May Slow You Down But….

#faithbites #faithjourney storms #DisneyDreaming

Today was a hot day at Magic Kingdom, until the sky unleashed a downpour. It went from bone dry to flooding in minutes. We ran across the park and got on our bus to the hotel. The driver said it may be slower because of the weather. As we drove we came to a flooded intersection. Cars started to turn around. Our bus driver told us to take packages off the ground and asked if we had snorkels. He slowly and safely went through the water. It was so high it started coming in the doors. The picture attached is what actually happened. He was with us, made us feel safe, and we got through.

We all have flooded intersections in our life. Sometimes, it feels that the water is seeping in and we will drown. With faith, God will always get us through the storms.

  • He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.Matthew 8:26
  • He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.Psalm 107:29

In our first scripture, the disciples are on a boat with Jesus who is sleeping. The storms almost capsize the boat and they are in a state do fear. They wake him up asking for help. Jesus just speaks and the waves start. The Psalms verse reflects that.

If Jesus can stop the storms, why should we be afraid? God is all around us. Even on the bus today, I thought he would turn around. He knew better, knew his bus (boat) and was able to steer us safely back to the hotel.

Faith is powerful. God is even more powerful. Don’t be afraid of the storms.


When you see the water coming through your doors, know God is there. Turn to Him with your fears and he will cast the water out and illuminate your path.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your protection during the storms of our lives. Be with us and help us turn to you always. Even though Waters rise, we know the will fall through you as well. Help us to always be strong in knowing you will calm the storms. In your name, Amen.

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