July 21 – Generations Change but Generations Stay
202 -Generatiosn Change but Generations Stay

#FaithBites #FaithJourney Generations

Today I had the honor of being at my brother and soon to be sister-in-law’s rehearsal picnic. It was fun in the sun and a great time to see how our kids interacted with one another. Throughout the afternoon, I couldn’t help but see flashbacks to my childhood. Comments that my brothers and sister made to me back in the day, were repeated today. The same arguments, fights, love, anger, short temper, were all on display. What was striking was how similar we all are even though generations separate us. Instead of the four of us getting on each other’s nerves (which was done a bit), the younger generation was doing it.

I was able in a second to see all of my traits and the traits of my siblings acted out in front of us. It was shocking and reminiscent at the same time. One of them even said our dad is in heaven laughing at what is going on down here. I had a much better understanding of what he went through when we were younger.

While the names and the faces change, the stories do not. Sure, there are some nuances that are different, but the end all feeling and purpose doesn’t change between the generations.

Scripture on Generations
  • Even when I am old and gray,
        do not forsake me, my God,
    till I declare your power to the next generation,
        your mighty acts to all who are to come. – Psalm 71:18
  • Remember the days of old;
        consider the generations long past.
    Ask your father and he will tell you,
        your elders, and they will explain to you. – Deuteronomy 32:7

Let’s face it. We will get old, die, and no longer be on this earth. In those days, we will not be able to change our story or pass that story down to future generations. We only have today to tell them where we come from, what we believe in, and who is our savior. In the Psalm’s verse, the Lord will be with me all the days of our lives until we pass it to the next generation. That passing is the knowledge of God. In Deuteronomy, we are told to look to the old generations and learn from them. Kids always think they are smarter than their forefathers. Sometimes they may be, but learning from generations long past will keep us on the straight and narrow. Imagine if we didn’t have our forefathers. We may have no knowledge of the Lord our God. That’s not a place I want to live in.

I don’t want to die any time soon. But after talking to my nieces and nephews, I know our stories will live on as they are more like us that we even think. This generation will pass along our stories to the next and will love their God.


You never know when your last day will be. You only know about today. Take today to pass along one story to a younger generation. It doesn’t have to be heady. This can be a serious or funny story. Maybe it’s about generations long past. Share that story with everyone, you will see that memory blossom.

I will continue to share my stories with the help of God.

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